Earth's Great Events

The best kind of sightings is the ones which you see once in a lifetime. These rare occasions are so seldom that the emotions attached to them are heightened when it is witnessed. JungleArc is devoted to providing just that for you. The world is filled with wonders and people are increasingly becoming aware of the natural phenomena that exist in almost every place. The only thing is that it happens once in a blue moon which ironically is also rare. Some noteworthy phenomena are Aurora Borealis in Norway, Okawanga Delta Frosting, and the Elephant Congregation. Here are JungleArc’s favourite picks out of the lot.

Great wildebeest migration

The yearly migration of enormous herds of grazers such as wildebeests, Zebras, Thomson’s gazelle, Elands, and others across Northern Tanzania and Kenya is a really stunning occurrence — an unending hunt for food and water. The larger carnivores will hunt, stalk, and run down the animals. The stage is set; come see the show!

The northern lights

Enjoy the Lights! Explore winter wonderland and enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon of the enchanting Aurora Borealis! A natural event that is a sight for sore eyes. The northern lights are an ethereal display of colours in the sky that appear once a year especially in the winters in the northern hemisphere. This unforgettable spectacle specially for couples who wish to celebrate something special is the perfect destination.

Polar bear mother and cubs

Witness a polar bear’s amazing attachment to its cubs. Come, cover the numerous features of these fascinating animals as they battled it out in severe weather and environmental deterioration with a gentle balance – a furious mother and a caring parent.

Sri Lanka blue whale swim

Blue whales are the world’s largest living animals. Seeing these mammals  take on the water is a spectacular experience in itself. Swimming with them offers an adrenaline rush. Whale migration has not been fully grasped by experts, however there has been a pattern seen in their journey. Because of the weather and visibility in the water, the best months to see them are March and April (Weligama Bay in Sri Lanka is the finest site to examine these gigantic and gorgeous beasts through deep-sea diving.

Narwhal Migration

Narwhals are Arctic whales that live mostly in Arctic Canada’s arctic seas. This migration is a pleasant sight that acknowledges these strange creatures. In the hot summer months, Narwhals go to Canada’s Arctic Archipelago; the northern end of the Baffin Islands to find tropical waters and shallow bays. This movement is being driven by two major factors: For starters, these seas are rich with Arctic Char, a type of cold-water fish, a classic favourite of Narwhals. Second, during mating season which is usually in April and May, it’s critical for them to locomote to warmer, secure places to give birth. This migration is best seen between April and June.

Great sardine run

One of the lesser-known spectacles is the southern African sardine run which occurs from May to July when billions of sardines breed in the chilly waters and migrate northward along South Africa’s eastern coast. Because of their massive numbers, they cause a feeding frenzy along the shore. Come watch this amazing assemblage while the globe tries to solve this conundrum.

Okawanga delta frosting

The famed Okavango Delta is a breathtaking natural phenomenon formed by the Okavango River, which flows inland from Angola. This happens once a year when the water from the tributary flows into the forest of Angola and becomes home to various land and aquatic wildlife. Here, Africa’s most beautiful water system comes to life. Witness this event in order to solve its mysteries.

The salmon run

A thrilling experience as you watch one of nature’s most spectacular anomalies. Millions of salmon swim against the stream, causing the water to bubble and vibrate. Gather by the river to cheer them on as they make their way out of sight and maybe into the maw of a grouchy Grizzly!

Caribou Migration and Arctic Autumn Tundra

Caribou are species of reindeer native to North America. The purpose of the great migration is to consume food and accumulate fat for severe winters. It is also mating season for the lot . Picture this: vivid fall colours in the background,  glittering waters of Ennadai Lake and a big number of Caribou crossing this wonderful picturesque scenery against the setting sun. Photographers and animal aficionados will love this photo opportunity. This may be seen near Hudson Bay in late August and September.

Great Elephant Congregation

Lets address the elephants in the room. Yes, elephants travel long distances in search of food, water, and shelter to provide for their young ones and the mothers. This migration occurs mostly around the Nagarhole River in Kabini, India, and the Minneriya National Park in Sri Lanka. This travel is facilitated during India’s drought years, which last from early March until the end of June. Elephants visit the Kabini backwaters region in quest of water and plentiful greenery. These gentle giants travel from the South Indian jungles of Bandipur, Mudumalai, Wayanad, and Satyamangalam. The herd include elephants of all ages, and it is amazing to see how protective the herd can be of their calves.

Bat migration

Approximately 10 million fruit bats, popularly known as Megabats, averaging roughly 6 gms, travel to Northern Zambia’s Kasanka National Park. This is the world’s biggest animal migration. As the temperature in their environment lowers and the amount of insects accessible decreases, these creatures migrate to Zambia in looking for food and to hibernate in more optimal circumstances. From October through December, this phenomena may be witnessed.  This interesting event is both a terrific method to learn and research bat behavioural patterns and a beautiful sight to see.

Emperor Penguin migration

Emperor Penguins are the largest and most robustly developed subspecies in the penguin family. During the cold season, mother penguins lay eggs and transfer them on to males to incubate while they return to the ocean to forage. The new dads make it through the winter and birth these eggs. Both males and females make outcalls in order to reconcile with their spouses following the reunion. They are noisy, strident, and in large numbers. They may be audible for kilometres. This sight is incredibly uplifting because the moms see their chicks for the first time, and the parents take turns nursing them for the following two months. During March, they also travel to high breeding sites.

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