
Story of a wildlife photographer

Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand and without them, any happiness is temporary! I understood this pretty early in the life but as they say, it takes more than just a thought to achieve a career of your dreams. It has never been an easy journey till date but my perseverance and the voice within kept me going, chasing my aspirations.

The Underdog of
the Deccan

The Red Whistling Dog of the Deccan, was popularized by Rudyard Kipling in one of his Jungle Book stories, as the ferocious red dog, packs of which cut through anything in their way and tire down the animal till the very earth’s end!

Guest Blogs

Why Jungle Sutras

Every visit uncovers new secrets of this mysterious land. My foray into photography started at a much later stage.


Being an avid reader of Jim Corbett , I enthusiastically jumped at the chance of visiting Corbett National Park in Nainital in March 2019. A group of my daughter’s friends were going and I happily tagged along. The tour was organized Ramnagar was not in the least arduous as the vehicles were comfy and the expectations of the coming excitements were high.

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